Events and News
Last UpDate: September 20, 2004
Project Description
Events & News

Iberic event on water
November, 1th 1999

Meeting of peers working in the topic area
European Forum on Integrated Environmental Assessment (EFIEA) workshop on Integrated Management of Water Resources held in Paris between October, 25th - 27th 2000

Fête de la science/Congrès international de pédologie
November, 10th 2000

Running projects and logistic considerations
Late 2000 the Regione Toscana organized a conference titled "Arno river 2000: the turning point". They declared a lack of management and knowledge on ground waters as compared with surface and runoff water. However resources also were short and surface water was still priviliged. In particular, and this applies also to ARPAT, they miss a comprehensive model (namely ECON and HYDRO), relying only on GIS archives of wells, and of the water supply net. However they are expected to represent a vehicule to more interested Public Authorities, such as Water Agencies and Provinces. Actions are in progress in this respect. 2001, 2002, 2003

Running projects, and interest in possibility to move towards integrated water life-cycles models and tools (for meteorology and agriculture)
Their focus was mainly on the underlying HYDRO model. Being the GOUVERNe ones not generic (but specific) it was raised the question of how "exporting" the prototypes to other geographical areas. In turn this raised the point of first implementing appropriate HYDRO models, and then chaining its results with the other water models of theirs (runoff, surface), and rainfall models. 2001, 2002

Public administrations
Compatibilità del quadro istituzionale-normativo con l'approccio integrato partecipativo: Italia ed estero a confronto sui servizi idrici" in "Dall'approccio 'annuncio-decisione-difesa' (top-down) all'approccio partecipato (bottom-up) per decidere l'ambiente: corsi d'acqua e territorio", organised by Italian Center for River Restoration , (teacher). June, 1th 2001

Conférence SHF. Directive européenne sur l'eau et eaux souterraines
June, 1th 2001

Relevant conference with participation of policy / decision makers
Jeffrey, P. Lemon, M. & Jefferson, B. (2001) My land, my water, your problem: Coevolutionary processes and the development of appropriate water policy tools. Proc. 2nd Conference of The International Water History Association. University of Bergen, Norway, August, 10th -12th 2001

Institutions, Research Centre, Universities
"la gestione sostenibile degli acquiferi" at "Il sottosuolo lombardo e la gestione sostenibile delle sue risorse" organised by Regione Lombardia end Bocconi University (organisation and speaker). October 2001

Public Administrations, Stakeholders
IL PROGETTO EUROPEO GOUVERNe: Un approccio alla gestione sostenibile delle risorse idriche della Provincia di Milano", organised by IEFE and Provincia di Milano (Organisation and speakers). October, 12th 2001

Running projects and interest of exploiting Earth Observation in civil domains, Meeting.
Both the European and Italian Space Agencies are willing to fund projects in favour of recognized end-users and exploiting the use of the Earth Observation. Intecs, upon BRGM requiremements, has built a prototype for the derivation of watersheds based on a DEM in turn based on Earth Observation data. This may reveal exploitable, although other thematic domains seem to have higher priority for ASI and ESA (forest fires, oil spill, etc.). 2002, 2003

Institutions, Research Centre, Universities
Pianificazione idrica e strumenti volontari di politica ambientale” at "Giornate di studio sulla previsione e prevenzione del rischio geologico - organised by Politecnico di Milano (speaker). February, 6th 2002

Lille conference: implementing the waterframe directive
March, 1th 2002

Institutions, Research Centre, Universities
Pianificazione partecipata e gestione sostenibile degli acquiferi" at "La conoscenza del sottosuolo della Pianura Lombarda", organised by Regione Lombardia (speaker). March, 6th 2002

Relevant conference with participation of policy / decision makers
Public consultation processes under Article 14 of the Water Framework Directive. One-day symposium to be held at the School of Water Sciences, Cranfield University. April, Tuesday 4th 2002

Master universitario in Economia e Management Ambientale (MEMA) - Università Bocconi, (teacher). June, 1th 2002

Intl's Kolloquium between DSS experts mainly from Germany and the Netherlands
Einsatz ökologischer Modellsysteme zur Unterstützung von Entscheidungen bei Eingriffen in Fliesgewässern" + Workshop on DSS. Lerning about other existing DSSs and dissemination of GOUVERNe. June, 5th - 6th 2002

Relevant conference with participation of policy / decision makers
The EU Water Framework Directive: Implementation, Implications and Impact. A seminar to be held at Cranfield University at Silsoe. June, Tuesday 18th 2002

Scuola Europea di Studi Avanzati in Gestione Integrata dell'Ambiente – Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia (teacher). September, 1th 2002

Ressource Water
Globale Herausforderung als Chance für die Wirtschaft. Octobre, 07th 2002

International Water Association conference
November, 1th 2002

MULINO SCA international conference
November, 1th 2002

Iberic event on water
November, 1th 2002

Public Administrations, Research Centre, Universities
Un sistema di supporto per la pianificazione partecipata basato su informazioni georeferenziate" at 6th Conference ASITA , (speaker). November, 5th - 8th 2002

Relevant conference with participation of policy / decision makers
Swinford, A. & Jeffrey, P. 'Designing ICT tools to support participative catchment management processes.Policies and tools for the sustainable water management in the EU. November, 20th - 22th 2002 Venice, Italy

Policies and tools for sustainable water management in the EU. Venezia.
Innovative modelling concept for integrated water resources management linking hydrological functionning and socio-economic behaviour - the Herault catchment case study, south of France. November, 21th - 23th 2002

Wasser- Fest
Networking at national level. December, 4th 2002

Meeting with German Stakeholders
Dissemination and contacts for future Exploitation. January, 13th 2003

Meeting with German Stakeholders
Check user reactions to the prototypes and contacts for future exploitation. January, 20th 2003

Int'l Workshop (FIRMA & GOUERNe Projects)
February, 18th - 20th 2003

Development of user based decision support system (article). May, 1th - 4th 2003

Conférence SHF. Directive européenne sur l'eau et eaux souterraines
May, 4th 2004
Coordinator: Prof. Martin O'Connor
© 2002 GOUVERNe Consortium