A |
Apache HTTP Server |
is an open source HTTP web server
for Unix-like systems (BSD, Linux, and UNIX systems), Microsoft
Windows, and other platforms. |
Active Server Pages (ASP) |
is Microsoft's server-side technology
for dynamically-generated web pages that is marketed as an add-on
to Internet Information Services (IIS). |
B |
Business Intelligence |
BI is a popularized, umbrella
term introduced by Howard Dresner of the Gartner Group in 1989 to
describe a set of concepts and methods to improve business decision
making by using fact-based support systems. The term is sometimes
used interchangeably with briefing books and executive information
systems. A Business Intelligence System is a DSS. |
C |
Collaboratory |
A collaboratory is a community
made up of individuals and organizations who agree to work together
with the goal of solving problems or innovating more effectively
by using the power of their collective resources, expertise and
knowledge. |
Commercial Marketing |
which we define as the industry‘s
search of a positive answer from the side of consumers and public,
concerning quality and volumes of the own products and services,
with the primary, although not exclusive goal: the own profit. (©
1998, FUTUREtec GmbH) |
Content Management |
Content management includes the
process of tracking and managing a document end-to-end, from creation
to copyediting to Web posting and, finally, to the archive. It can
include collaborative authoring so that a group can work on a document
in an efficient manner that avoids hazards such as the game of "who's
got the latest version?" as well as management of the content development
workflow. |
D |
Data-driven DSS or Data-oriented
This type of DSS emphasizes access
to and manipulation of a time-series of internal company data and
sometimes external data. Simple file systems accessed by query and
retrieval tools provide the most elementary level of functionality.
Data warehouse systems that allow the manipulation of data by computerized
tools tailored to a specific task and setting or by more general
tools and operators provide additional functionality. Data-driven
DSS with On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) or data mining tools
provide the highest level of functionality and decision support
that is linked to analysis of large collections of historical data.
Early, very limited versions of data-driven DSS were called Retrieval-Only
DSS by Bonczek, Holsapple and Whinston (1981). |
Data Mining |
A class of analytical applications
that search for hidden patterns in a data base. Data mining is the
process of sifting through large amounts of data to produce data
content relationships. This is also known as data surfing. Data
mining tools use a variety of techniques including case-based reasoning,
data visualization, fuzzy query and analysis, and neural networks.
Case-based reasoning tools provide a means to find records similar
to a specified record or records. These tools let the user specify
the "similarity" of retrieved records. Data visualization tools
let the user easily and quickly view graphical displays of information
from different perspectives. Check the data mining FAQ at http://
www.rpi.edu/~vanepa2/faq.html |
Data Warehouse |
A database designed to support
decision making in organizations. It is batch updated and structured
for rapid online queries and managerial summaries. Data warehouses
contain large amounts of data. A data warehouse is a subject-oriented,
integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support
of management's decision making process. Check "What is a Data Warehouse"
by W.H. Inmon at http://
www.cait.wustl.edu/cait/papers/prism/vol1_no1/. According to
Ralph Kimball "A data warehouse is a copy of transaction data specifically
structured for query and analysis" (see Kimball, R. The Data Warehouse
Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Building Dimensional Data Warehouses.
1996. Also, see Greenfield, L. A Definition of Data Warehousing.) |
Decision Support Systems (DSS) |
(Systèmes d'Aide à la Décision)
are interactive computer-based systems intended to help decision
makers utilize data and models to identify and solve problems and
make decisions. The "system must aid a decision maker in solving
unprogrammed, unstructured (or "semistructured") problems...the
system must possess an interactive query facility, with a query
language that ...is ...easy to learn and use (Bonczek, Holsapple
& Whinston, 1981; p. 19)". DSS help managers/decision makers use
and manipulate data; apply checklists and heuristics; and build
and use mathematical models. According to Turban (1990), a DSS has
four major characteristics: DSS incorporate both data and models;
they are designed to assist managers in their decision processes
in semistructured (or unstructured) tasks; they support, rather
than replace, managerial judgment; and their objective is to improve
the effectiveness of the decisions, not the efficiency with which
decisions are being made |
DSS Generator |
Computer software package that
provides tools and capabilities that help a developer quickly and
easily build a specific Decision Support System (cf., Sprague and
Carlson, 1982, p. 11). Excel is an example of a DSS Generator. Many
companies market tools for building DSS and EIS. |
Dynamic HTML or DHTML |
designates a technique of creating
interactive web sites by using a combination of the static markup
language HTML, a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript)
and the style definition language Cascading Style Sheets. |
E |
Enterprise-wide DSS |
A DSS that supports a large group
of managers in a networked client-server environment with a specialized
data warehouse as part of the DSS architecture. |
Evidence Based |
When one says that a form of knowledge
is evidence based it means, that is has gone through a rigorous
peer review process to ensure that any outcomes or results that
are attributed are valid. |
Executive Information Systems (EIS) |
A computerized system intended
to provide current and appropriate information to support executive
decision making for managers using a networked workstation. The
emphasis is on graphical displays and an easy to use interface that
present information from the corporate database. They are tools
to provide canned reports or briefing books to top-level executives.
They offer strong reporting and drill-down capabilities. |
Executive Support Systems (ESS) |
An executive information system
(EIS) that includes specific decision aiding and/or analysis capabilities. |
Expert Systems |
are man-machine systems with specialized
problem-solving expertise. The "expertise" consists of knowledge
about a particular domain, understanding of problems within that
domain, and "skill" at solving some of these problems. |
F |
Forum |
An Internet forum,
also known as a message board, discussion
board, discussion forum, web board,
webboard, or, more simply, a forum, is
a web application which provides a place for discussion, often for
online communities. They are often considered the evolution of bulletin
board systems which were widespread in the 1980s and 1990s, and
of Usenet newsgroups. The topics which are discussed on forums range
from politics to computer games, while many smaller communities
use forums to discuss less mainstream topics. |
G |
Graphical User Interface (GUI) |
A program interface that uses
a computer's graphics capabilities to make the program easier to
use. Graphical interfaces use a pointing device to select objects,
including icons, menus, text boxes, etc. A GUI includes standard
formats for representing text and graphics. |
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) |
An interactive, computer-based
system that facilitates solution of unstructured problems by a set
of decision-makers working together as a group. It aids groups,
especially groups of managers, in analyzing problem situations and
in performing group decision making tasks. |
H |
Health and Safety Advisors or Safety
Consultant: |
physicians - health, chronic illnesses
safety engineers and technicians- health and safety in the workplace
the provision of advice relating to hazards from dangerous substances,
equipment for personal protection, and other elements of a safe
workplace. They need a special training.
chemical and process engineers – focus on plant safety () to ensure
safe production processes, fire and explosion prevention. Some
of these engineers are registered, as required by law.
environmental engineers – to ensure environmental safety such
as the prevention of air and water pollution.
Authorities are also a critical part of the health and safety
context because of the role they play in, flow and exchange of
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) |
is a markup language designed
for the creation of web pages and other information viewable in
a browser. The focus of HTML is on the presentation of information—paragraphs,
fonts, italics, tables, and so forth—rather than the semantics—what
the words mean. |
I |
Information technology (IT) or information
and communication technology (ICT) |
is the technology required for information processing. In particular
the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert,
store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information from
anywhere, anytime.
J |
JSP or JavaServer Pages |
is a Java technology that allows developers to dynamically generate
HTML, XML or some other type of web page. The technology allows
Java code and certain pre-defined actions to be embedded into
static content.
K |
Knowledge Engineering (KE) |
The engineering discipline that
involves integrating knowledge into computer systems in order to
solve complex problems normally requiring a high level of human
expertise. |
Knowledge Management (KM) |
KM is the distribution, access
and retrieval of unstructured information about "human experiences"
between interdependent individuals or among members of a workgroup.
Knowledge management involves identifying a group of people who
have a need to share knowledge, developing technological support
that enables knowledge sharing, and creating a process for transferring
and disseminating knowledge. |
Knowledge Management Software (KMS) |
Software that can store and manage
unstructured information in a variety of electronic formats. The
software may assist in knowledge capture, categorization, deployment,
inquiry, discovery, or communication. Products include electronic
document management systems (EDMS). |
Knowledge Management |
Knowledge management is the management
of the organization towards the continuous renewal of the organizational
knowledge base - this means e.g. creation of supportive organizational
structures, facilitation of organizational members, putting IT-instruments
with emphasis on teamwork and diffusion of knowledge (as e.g. groupware)
into place. - Thomas Bertels |
L |
Linux |
is a computer operating system
and its kernel. It is among the most famous examples of free software
and of open-source development. |
M |
Marketing |
1. Commercial Marketing - which
we define as the industry‘s search of a positive answer from the
side of consumers and public, concerning quality and volumes of
the own products and services, with the primary, although not exclusive
goal: the own profit. (© 1998, FUTUREtec
2. Self-Sustaining Marketing - which we define as marketing the
results of research with all financial benefits constantly reinvested
in further research, to benefit society. (© 1998, FUTUREtec
Metadata or Meta Data |
Data about the data in a data
warehouse. Metadata provides a a directory to help the DSS locate
the contents of the data warehouse; it is a guide to mapping data
as it is transformed from the operational environment to the data
warehouse environment; and it serves as a guide to the algorithms
used for summarization of current detailed data. Metadata is semantic
information associated with a given variable. Metadata must include
business definitions of the data and clear, accurate descriptions
of data types, potential values, original source system, data formats,
and other characteristics. Metadata defines and describes business
data. Examples of metadata include data element descriptions, data
type descriptions, attribute/property descriptions, range/domain
descriptions, and process/method descriptions. The repository environment
encompasses all corporate metadata resources: database catalogs,
data dictionaries, and navigation services. Metadata includes things
like the name, length, valid values, and description of a data element.
Metadata is stored in a data dictionary and repository. It insulates
the data warehouse from changes in the schema of operational systems.
Model-driven DSS |
or Model-oriented DSS - This type
of DSS emphasizes access to and manipulation of a model, e.g., statistical,
financial, optimization and/or simulation. Simple statistical and
analytical tools provide the most elementary level of functionality.
Some OLAP systems that allow complex analysis of data may be classified
as hybrid DSS systems providing both modeling and data retrieval
and data summarization functionality. Data mining is also a hybrid
approach to DSS. In general, model-driven DSS use complex financial,
simulation, optimization and/or rule (expert) models to provide
decision support. Model-driven DSS use data and parameters provided
by decision makers to aid decision makers in analyzing a situation,
but they are not usually data intensive, that is very large data
bases are usually not need for model-driven DSS. Early versions
of model-driven DSS were called Computationally Oriented DSS by
Bonczek, Holsapple and Whinston (1981). |
Multi-dimensional Database (MDBS and
A database that lets users analyze
large amounts of data. An MDBS captures and presents data as arrays
that can be arranged in multiple dimensions. Variables are the objects
that hold data in a multidimensional database. These are simply
arrays of values (usually numeric) that are "dimensioned" by the
dimensions in a database. For example, a UNITS variable may be dimensioned
by MONTH, PRODUCT, and REGION. This three-dimensional variable or
array is often visualized as a cube of data. Multi-dimensional databases
can have multiple variables, with common or a unique set of dimensions.
This multi-dimensional view of data is especially powerful for OLAP
applications. |
M-work |
The main concept in M-work is
anything, anytime, anywhere – i.e. the access to relevant information
independent of time and space. This concept enables flexibility
in the work process and is a driver for productivity improvements.
M-work will change the user behaviour like Internet technology changed
the working day for most of us. Specific user communities with special
needs will lead to develop good M-work concepts. |
Multi-user |
operating systems allow multiple
users to utilise the computer and run programs at the same time.
All time-sharing systems are multi-user systems, but most batch
processing systems for mainframes were too, to avoid leaving the
expensive CPU idle while it waited for I/O operations to complete. |
Multitasking |
is the apparent simultaneous performance
of two or more tasks by a computer's central processing unit. |
N |
Nanotechnology |
comprises any technological developments
on the nanometer scale, usually 0.1 to 100 nm. (One nanometer equals
one thousandth of a micrometer or one millionth of a millimeter.)
The term has sometimes been applied to any microscopic technology. |
O |
On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) |
Software for manipulating multidimensional
data from a variety of sources that has been stored in a data warehouse.
The software can create various views and representations of the
data. OLAP software provides fast, consistent, interactive access
to shared, multidimensional data. Check the Guide to OLAP Terminology
from the OLAP Council |
Organizational DSS |
A multiparticipant DSS designed
to support a decision maker in a setting that has a more elaborate
infrastructure than a group (i.e., involving specialized roles,
restricted communication patterns, differing authority levels).
See enterprise-wide DSS. |
Open Source |
“The basic idea behind open source
is very simple. When programmers on the Internet can read, redistribute,
and modify the source for a piece of software (or any other form
of knowledge), it evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, and
people fix bugs.” From www.opensource.org |
P |
is a popular open-source programming
language used primarily for developing server-side applications
and dynamic web content, and more recently, other software. The
name is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". |
Q |
Quality Assurance (QA) |
1. All actions taken to ensure
that standards and procedures are adhered to and that delivered
products or services meet performance requirements.
2. The planned systematic activities necessary to ensure that a
component, module, or system conforms to established technical requirements.
3. The policy, procedures, and systematic actions established in
an enterprise for the purpose of providing and maintaining a specified
degree of confidence in data integrity and accuracy throughout the
life cycle of the data, which includes input, update, manipulation,
and output. |
R |
ROMC (Representation, Operations, Memory
Aids, Mechanism Control) Design Approach |
A Systematic approach for developing
large-scale DSS, especially user interfaces. It is user-oriented
approach for stating system performance requirements (cf., Sprague
and Carlson, 1982). |
S |
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) |
A process by which systems analysts,
software engineers, programmers, and end-users build systems. It
is a project management tool, used to plan, execute,, and control
systems develpment projects. The steps in the cycle include: 1)
Determine user requirements; 2) Systems analysis; 3) Overall system
design; 4) Detailed system design; 5) Programming; 6) Testing; and
7) Implementation. Each step is concluded by developing a written
document that must be reviewed and approved before the next step
begins. |
Self-Sustaining Marketing |
which we define as marketing the
results of research with all financial benefits constantly reinvested
in further research, to benefit society. (© 1998, FUTUREtec
GmbH) |
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises or
SMEs |
are companies whose headcount
or turnover falls below certain limits. |
Social learning or observational learning |
refers to learning that occurs
as a function of observing, retaining and replicating behaviour
observed in others. It is most associated with the work of psychologist
Albert Bandura, who implemented some of the seminal studies in the
area and initiated social learning theory. |
T |
Technology transfer |
1. A mechanism, whereby practical knowledge passes from one party
to another"
(Source: European Commission DG III/D Innovation)
2. is the process of developing practical applications for the
results of scientific research. While conceptually the activity
has been practised for many years (in ancient times, Archimedes
was notable for applying science to practical problems), the present-day
volume of research, combined with high-profile failures at Xerox
PARC and elsewhere, has led to a focus on the process itself.
Total cost of ownership (TCO) |
is a type of calculation designed
to help consumers and enterprise managers assess direct and indirect
costs as well as benefits related to the purchase of computer software
or hardware. A TCO ideally offers a final statement reflecting not
only the cost of purchase but all aspects in the further use and
maintenance of the computer components considered. |
U |
is a portable, multi-tasking and
multi-user computer operating system originally developed by a group
of AT&T Bell Labs employees including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie,
and Douglas McIlroy. |
V |
Virtual reality (abbreviated VR) |
describes an environment that
is simulated by a computer. Most virtual reality environments are
primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen
or through special stereoscopic goggles, but some simulations include
additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers. |
W |
Web-based DSS |
A computerized system that delivers
decision support information or decision support tools to a manager
or business analyst using a "thin-client" Web browser like Netscape
Navigator or Internet Explorer. The computer server that is hosting
the DSS application is linked to the user's computer by a network
with the TCP/IP protocol. In many companies, a Web-based DSS is
synonymous with an enterprise-wide DSS that is supporting large
groups of managers in a networked client-server environment with
a specialized data warehouse as part of the DSS architecture. |
X |
X.25 |
is an ITU-T standard protocol
suite for WAN networks using the phone or ISDN system as the networking
hardware. It defines standard physical layer, data link layer and
network layers (layers 1 through 3) of the OSI model. The packet
switching network was the common name given to the international
collection of X.25 providers, typically the various national telephone
companies. Their combined network had large global coverage during
the 1980s and into the '90s, and it is still in use mainly in transaction
systems. |
Y |
Y2K |
Year 2000.The year that many computers
may develop problems because of lack of foresight on the part of
programmers.In the 1980s and before, most computer programs were
designed to store only the last two digits of the years on all dates.When
the Year 2000 comes, these programs will show dates of 00, which
may be interpreted the same as 1900.This discrepancy may cause widespread
problems, especially in the large computer systems used in government
and big industries. |
Z |
The ZIP file format |
is a popular data compression
format. |
Zip drive |
is a medium-capacity removable
disk storage system, introduced by Iomega in late 1994. |